Sunday, November 9, 2014
Welcome home master. ;D I've prepared these sweets with love, specially, just for you~ Haha. Hey loves. <3 Do you know that feeling when you reconnect with an old friend and you pick up where you last were like there was never a pause? The only difference is how much everything has changed around us. That feeling is amazing, so if you do know it, be sure to hold that person dear to your heart! Lately I've come back in contact with a lot of old friends thanks to facebook of all places and it has proved to be a lot different than I thought it would be. I just thought I'd share that for today, because I'm feeling super happy for once in my life!

I have some nice and new things for you today! Especially by Chop Shop (eyes) and Alaska Metro (nails). And Xiasumi again~ Hope you enjoy! It's short today, so keep reading. ^_^

Outfit of the Day:
Earrings :: Pink Acid 100% Mesh Golden Pretzel Earrings - Black {The Chapter Four}
Eyes :: !CS! Hue of Death {A Tattered Page} / NEW
Hair :: .DirtyStories. Doll Hair {The Big Show
Headband/Dress :: Mikunch Apron dress (black) {Xiasumi School Festival}
Nails :: alaskametro<3 "Byzantine Charcoal" Slink + Omega nails {The Big Show} / NEW
Shoes :: {Mango Cheeks} Priya Pumps: Night/Pearl {Xiasumi School Festival}
Stockings :: ~Cannibelle~ Day in the Park Tights