Thursday, March 5, 2015
Hello there! Have you ever had the perfect picture set up and then all the sudden.. your SL browser just crashes on you? Thankfully I remembered everything I set up so it wasn't a hassle to get it back, but.. it was quite a bit of time put into setting it up! Especially since the tower wouldn't load correctly for me the first few times.. Ah. #secondlifeproblems

I have some new goodies to share! Hope you enjoy. Short credits today!

{ credits }

Antlers :: Midsummer Dreams Flower Horns - Black Horn - Lucky CC @ Oneword / NEW
Collar :: .tsg. Chained Hearts Collar - Black
Dress :: Dear Deer In the Woods Dress Black @ Oneword / NEW
Garter :: *MUKA* Garter Love
Hair :: Clawtooth: La Bella Donna - Outrageous Pack @ The Arcade
Nails/Toes :: .Chu. - Blah Mono Nails - Slink Only (Gift) / NEW
Shoes :: REIGN.- KATT HEELS (SLINK)- BLACK @ Whore Couture
Tower :: Exposeur - Fairytale Tower @ Oneword / NEW