Friday, October 30, 2015

 « the last time »
Well, Pastel Goth Fair is ending after today. I hope you guys weren't sick of the colorful outfits! I had a lot of fun putting them together, even though I ended up busy more often than not, so I couldn't get in everything I wanted to share unfortunately. It was a great event with lots to choose from, and the things I blogged for you guys were just some of my favorites; I didn't even get to blog all of them! Tomorrow is Halloween but I actually may not be around to make a neat outfit to show you, instead I'll be wearing something pretty neat irl. Miiight show pics on plurk, but I'm not sure yet. Hope you guys enjoy my last post of October! (Sorry Helli for stealing your room. LOL)

{ credits }

Boots || {VINCUE} ~ Klunny+Boots
Cat Ear Band || -Nomi-Meow Meow Cat Ears-Seed {gacha garden} . opens nov 1st!
Chair || Cute Goth Chair / BLACK - PURPLE + mE. {pastel goth fair}
Collar || -Nomi-Meow Meow Heart Collar-black {gacha garden} . opens nov 1st!
Eyeliner || .ARISE. Glitter Liner / Black
Hair || mimpi* hair-11/ pastels {sanarae}
Headband || .:Pulse:. Dita Gothika Unicorn & roses Headband - Black {pastel goth fair}

Leggings || LiViD : Gothic Gossip Leggings_Cosmic Goth {pastel goth fair}
Nails || alaskametro<3 "Inversion" nail polish - Midnight . new~
Necklace || .DirtyStories. Regret Necklace Black {pastel goth fair}
Pose || Purple Poses - Akemi 01 {pastel goth fair}
Sweater || -Nomi-Meow Meow Sweater dress-01black {gacha garden} . opens nov 1st!
30 Oct 2015