Tuesday, February 2, 2016

 「will you come with me?」
So as life would have it.. apparently when one bad door closes, another takes its place. I avoided yesterday like the plague, also, because it was what would have been my father's 70th birthday and it only draws me closer to the day of his death, which was only 10 days after. Thankfully, I was able to laugh and smile a lot that day because of the new friends I made, even though I'd had a fair bit of depressive feelings as well. Seems this year's already been full of death and we're only the second month in, and now I'm apparently a part of that. I hope for some things in my life to get better starting tomorrow though! I'll tell you about it later on. <3 Gonna get back to indulging in some Killing Floor 2 (what, not BnS?!).

{ credits }

Collar | . Quirky . Dreamy Kitten Collar
Eyes | .tsg. Circle Lens - Blue Princess . vip group gift~
Hair | *PH* 8055
Hat | *Cila*Bunny Cute Cap Seed of Inspiration {gacha garden} . new~
Nails | Bella Elephante - Geometric Heart Nails {the thrift shop} . starts feb 7th!
Pants | { V I N C U E } Molly+Jeans
Poses | IDK_Pack38_02
Shoes | *Epic* Sweet.Bow Booties! {White} . new~
Skin | [UMEBOSHI] Gigi skin {sanarae}
Sweater | B.C.C ChuChu Hoodie Blush
02 Feb 2016