Monday, December 19, 2016

Hello lovelies ♥ I wasn't planning to do another outfit for a bit, but I couldn't resist because this adorable new outfit is available tomorrow from mignon for the Fantasy Collective and I really wanted to share. It comes complete with the shoes! Also, Sweet Thing recently made a really cute tail for Bento! (If you haven't already, be sure to update to the latest viewer, whether it's Firestorm or the LL viewer; you can't use/see them otherwise!) I tested out the animations and they are so much smoother. I also got in the mood for a picture because Sophia Harlow opened up her sim to the public and I wanted to check it out. Incase you want to check it out for yourself, it was taken here. Happy Holidays!

{ credits }

Earrings | *N*OROKITAS - komochi renge Earring Pnk {on9}
Ears | darkendStare. nyan ears [white]
Eyes | .tsg. Angel Eyes - Deep Blue {uber}
Hair | !Oleander ~ Minerva. [Studded]
Outfit | [3]mignon. -Mia.  _white {the fantasy collective} . opens tomorrow!
Pose | oOo paulina_two
Tail | Sweet Thing. Neko Tail (Bento) . new!
19 Dec 2016