Thursday, December 29, 2016

Good evening~ This MIGHT be my last post of the year? I got in another couple of posts like I said! Truth be told, I guess not doing posts as often gets the creative juices going more. Unfortunately, I bought so much stuff though and tossed most of it into its sorted folders rather than sharing it because I knew I needed to focus more on blogging things that needed to be blogged rather than things I would just LIKE to blog. Sometimes I just get distracted by shiny new things..

I love putting together asianesque outfits, this was no exception. The background almost reminded me of Blade and Soul, with its vibrant and warm colors. Part of that was because of the windlight I used, but also because of the place! I tend to go to the Moonlight Teahouse when I take photos like this. Hope you enjoy!

{ credits }

Accessory | *N*KUKURISARU Netsuke(pelvis) {japonica} . new!
Ears | CURELESS&DISORDERLY / Akiba Cafe / Neko Ears Dark / RARE
Geta | *:..Silvery K..:*KimonoMesh(Gothic Peacock)Bshoes {japonica} . new!
Hair | TRUTH HAIR Irena . vip group gift!
Hair Stick | *N*KUKURISARU KANZASHI {japonica} . new!
Kimono | *:..Silvery K..:*KimonoMesh(Gothic Peacock) {japonica} . new!
Pose | tapoe*~Kimono Doll~POSE SET! - kimono2
29 Dec 2016