Sunday, January 15, 2017

Yoo~ I'm sleepy as hell right now. I'm not really sure as to why, but I suspect it might be because I'm not sleeping too well. I hope you're enjoying all these looks lately because I'm enjoying creating them! I don't have too much to say today, but the idea for this just kind of came together and ended up how I envisioned it, other than the fact that I was hoping to take the pic at Japonica, but it closed before I was able to.

New stuff from NANI and NAMINOKE today! And the photo was taken at Moonlight Teahouse.

{ credits }

Hair | [NANI] Lillie.Hair RARE [ hentai fair ] NEW
Hairpin 1 | *N*Manryou Birabira Kanzashi G-R [ 2nd level ] NEW
Hairpin 2 | *N*MANRYOU RED [ 2nd level ] NEW
Mesh Head | CATWA HEAD Catya [Without Teeth] v1.06
Kimono | *:..Silvery K..:*KimonoMesh(Gothic Peacock)
Pose | tapoe*~Kimono Doll~POSE SET! kimono5
15 Jan 2017