Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Well hi! Happy new year! A bit late, obviously, but I decided to take a break rather than force myself to blog when I just wasn't feeling it, especially when taking care of a super energetic little puppy who demands attention every moment. I'm still slightly not feeling it? But it's a bit better now. Hopefully I'll get over the silly slump. Basically just did this one for fun, so not very much to say. It was mostly just some shopping I did a week ago (or so) and put a look together. Hope you have a lovely day/night.

{ credits }

Books | +Spellbound+ Books and Crystals
Candle | +Spellbound+ Geometric Oil Burner
Chair | -Pixicat- Bastet.Chair RARE
Crystal | +Spellbound+ Goddess Obelisk
Flowers | Ariskea[Faedreams] Roses of Red
Geode Crystal | +Spellbound+ Amethyst Geode Candle - Black
Scattered Papers | Soy. Scattered papers
Side Table | Soy. Table with Drawers (Aged Dark Wood)
Skull | -tres blah- Eclectic Collection - Skull w/ Dark Roses
Suspended Table | +Spellbound+ Suspended Altar Table RARE
Witchcraft Set | Soy. Essentials of Witchcraft [Linked]

Bandages | CURELESS [+] Sterile Face Bandages
Bindi | CURELESS [+] Moonlight Jewels . group gift!
Boots | =Zenith=Leather Boots with Lace Socks (Black) -Maitreya {uber}
Crown | Schadenfreude Storybook Royalty: Crown of Skulls
Glasses | +Half-Deer+ Bat Wing Glasses - Black
Hair | [e] Poppy {flf exclusive color HUD}
Harness | *Tentacio* Be mine harness. Black {sanarae}
Necklace | *N*Hidden Fish LoopTie White {crossroad} . opens today!
Ring | Swallow TrustNo Ring Black . group gift!
Shorts | Addams - Mesh Shaki Short - Maitreya
Top | Addams // Diamond Corset w/Lace // Maitreya
03 Jan 2017