A little story started brewing in my head when I made this photo. Basically like.. she's waiting for someone who will never return because they were "spirited away". But she keeps waiting in hopes that some day, they will return to her because they promised to. I used to read a manga called "-Missing- Kamikakushi no Monogatari" and it kind of made me think of that as I was making the outfit. And then I also thought of Spirited Away itself. Both of those things are pretty awesome.. Also kind of made me think of Fatal Frame 3 to an extent as well. (Spoilers?) now excuse me while I daydream. If you want to know what any of the decor is, feel free to ask! I've credited it all before in various photos, but I had stuff to do today so I had to finish quick. Most (if not all) is from [[RH]] Design House.
{ credits }
Brows | Bossie. elena eyebrows [catwa]
Eyes | .tsg. Lumenis Eyes - Dark Brown
Skin | more more. momo skin_12 (catwa) @ spring scandal
Tears | Just Gigi- Tears and Redness
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