Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Hey lovelies! For once, I actually made the scene before I made my outfit. It was a bit backwards to be honest. Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do in order to get ideas though! Gonna keep it short today. Hope you guys like!

{ credits }

Balloons | [Black Bantam] Kitty Kitty Mask Balloon Silver bish box exclusive NEW
Kitty Kitty Balloon Silver bish box exclusive NEW
Bench | CMYK// 1. Bench @ limit8 NEW
Build | CMYK// 8. Darkwood House Rare limit8 NEW
Clock | 
CMYK// 6. clock limit8 NEW
Laptop | .random.Matter. - Dorm Life - Laptop [White]
Lighted Frame | CMYK// 5. wall lamp limit8 NEW
Photos | CMYK// 4. frame limit8 NEW
Pizza | .random.Matter. - Lazy Day - Pizza
Plant | Ariskea  [ Porcelain]  Tropical Plant 1
Pots | CMYK// 2. pottery limit8 NEW
Rug | CMYK// 7. rug limit8 NEW
Table | CMYK// 3. coffeetable @ limit8 NEW

Bracelet | Izzie's - Tropical Bracelet
Eyes | .tsg. Magic Eyes - Deep Blue cutie loot exclusive
Feet Wraps | friday - Koko Wraps (Cloud) @ N21 NEW
Hair | [^.^Ayashi^.^] Aida hair @ hairology
Necklace | Cae :: Wish :: Necklace
Pose | * La Jolie Rose * - Pin up pose8
Shorts | LAZYBONES - Rolled Up Shorts - blue - Maitreya Lara
Top | Blueberry - October - Group Gift - Maitreya
24 May 2017