Monday, July 3, 2017

Hello hello~ I'm having a lot of fun with my blog posts, could you tell? I also still have quite a bit to cover. Kinda thinking about just doubling up on posts for a bit, but we'll see how much I can do before it becomes an issue. I promise you will see a lot more though!

The goodies today are mostly for Japonica, but I also have something for Okinawa Festival that's coming up in 4 days and a hair for FaMESHed as well. Hope you like!

{ credits }

Build | 1.Cherry house-Open air spa hotel-Hotel house-RARE @ japonica NEW
Chair | 8.Cherry house-Open air spa hotel-Sofa 
japonica NEW
Lantern | 6.Cherry house-Open air spa hotel-Stone lights japonica NEW
Tea Table | 4.Cherry house-Open air spa hotel-tea table 
japonica NEW

Eyes | -SU!- Asami Eyes
Hair | [e] Bella @ faMESHed NEW
Kimono | *:..Silvery K..:*Summer romantic Kimono japonica NEW
Pose | tapoe*~Kimono Doll~POSE SET! (kimono2)
Shaved Ice | *N*Star Shaved Ice-KakiGoori Peach @ okinawa summer festival STARTS JULY 7TH
Skin | more more. yuka skin RARE2_honey (catwa)