Saturday, October 14, 2017

Hi loves! Getting a little headstart I guess by doing two posts in a day so I can finish up with everything else in a timely manner. This kimono's been available for almost two weeks now, but I finally got around to using it. It's super pretty and it's at the Matsuri event from Silvery K until the 31st. Not too much to say otherwise. I hope you like it! I took the photo at Collins Land.

{ credits }

Collar | *:..Silvery K..:*NeckCorset(Neck_BlackL-A)1
Hair | (r)M Hair No.48'17
Katana | May's Soul *Ninja into the dark* Katana back RARE
Kimono | *:..Silvery K..:*KimonoMesh(Momiji)Black @ matsuri
Pose | Kirin - Kumi Pose 1 @ kustom9 open tomorrow
Socks | *:..Silvery K..:*KimonoMesh(Momiji)Clogs_Black @ matsuri