Saturday, November 25, 2017

Hi guys! Everytime the weather starts getting colder it gets warmer again.. so we haven't exactly had snow covering the ground yet. Anywho, Good morning! I hope your weekend is going spectacular. I'm feeling pretty ready to get those Christmas decorations out since Christmas is officially less than a month away. How about you? If you went Black Friday shopping (online or in stores) yesterday, I hope you found everything you wanted and then some! Or, if you're waiting til Cyber Monday, I hope you find some great stuff and deals then, too. Me, I did a little bit of shopping online and in stores. The mall was pretty hectic, but no one was really rude or anything while trying to grab things, so it was a nice surprise. We also had a nice lunch. 

I ended up purchasing some makeup products (on Thursday actually) and some clothing today, but that's about it, oddly enough. I think I was late to most of the good deals in stores, at least the places I stopped by. My bf ended up buying some accessories and games for the Nintendo Switch, since he plans to get one within the next couple of months. So it was a pretty solid day other than a lack of sleep, which we caught up with once we got home. I'm looking forward to using my purchases when they arrive! 

I even did some Black Friday shopping on Second Life, actually. I got a few adorable skins from Enfer Sombre and an AO from Sweet Lovely Cute, since I've always wanted to own them but couldn't normally justify the prices, since I normally stick to a good one or few skins (and AOs honestly). I'm looking forward to stopping at Tannenbaum when that opens tomorrow along with Sanarae. Tons of cute things I can't resist are gonna be there.. 

Also, I'm wearing one of the new skins I got at the Enfer Sombre sale (20% and up to 50% off!), so you'll find credits for that and everything else below. I have new goodies from mignon and Kokolores coming to Sanarae tomorrow! I really like how the photo came out, so I'll stop my babbling and get to the goods. Funny how I go from hardly talking in my posts to posting an essay. -laugh- I took the photo at Winter Moon! Have a good weekend!

{ credits }

Boots | #2"mignon." -sweet winter date boots. [Maitreya exp] RARE @ sanarae open tomorrow
Hair w/ Hat | [KoKoLoReS] Hair - Charlie @ sanarae open tomorrow
Outfit | #1"mignon." -sweet winter date outfit. [Maitreya exp] RARE @ sanarae open tomorrow
Pose | *{( konpeitou )}* stand free gift
Scarf | ::C'est la vie !:: Lien Scarf Gacha (#05)
Skin | Catwa Skin applier Peach Tone - May (Enfer Sombre*)
25 Nov 2017