Saturday, February 24, 2018

Hello lovelies! Good morning. It's my waifu's birthday today! I guess my sleep schedule is officially "late night" again. Of course it didn't last for too long. I am a night owl and there's nothing I can do about it, I guess! So I've been excited to edit my photos, but I've also been sorta dreading setting up scenes for them lately. Not sure what that's about. I did go to the Apple Fall sale before it closed due to their rebranding, so I put a lot of that to use! Incase you want to see all the decor by itself without my lovely face, click here.

{ credits }

Bar | Apple Fall Masculine Bar
Book Stacks | Nutmeg. Pile of Vintage books group gift
Apple Fall Design Books
Apple Fall Books w/ Deer Head Bookends
Dutchie books and tea 2 stacks gift
Cabinet | Apple Fall China Cabinet
Cake | Apple Fall Lemon Whip Drizzle Cake
Candle | Apple Fall Scented Candle
Chandelier | Apple Fall Pearl Chandelier
Coffee Table | Apple Fall Period Coffee Table
Desk Set | Apple Fall Dark Bamboo Desk/Chair
Divider | Apple Fall Nouveau Screen
End Table | Apple Fall Books Occasional Table w/ Blanket
Files | Apple Fall Magazine Files
Heart Decor | Apple Fall Heart String
Iced Tea | Apple Fall Cherry Iced Tea
Ladder | Apple Fall Antique Ladders w/ Heart String
Lemonade Cans | Apple Fall Lemonade Bucket
Lotions | Apple Fall Bathroom Lotions
Photos | Apple Fall Bow Tie Art
Apple Fall Verdant Oil Painting
Apple Fall Gilt Frame (Sea Campion Study)
Ariskea [Fluffy] Lights & Frames @ collabor88
Plants | Apple Fall Snowdrops in Cloche
Apple Fall Pyracantha Berries in Glazed Pot
Apple Fall Hydrangea Bunch
Apple Fall White Iris
Rose Boxes | Apple Fall Roses Box (Red)/(White)
Rug | Nutmeg. Rug Creme group gift
Skybox | PM & Vibes - Erium Studio Skybox
Sofa | Nutmeg. Chesterfield Sofa group gift
Suitcase Decor | Apple Fall Monogram Suitcases
Wire Baskets | Apple Fall Stacked Wire Baskets

Dress | Addams // Vera Tight Holes Dress // Maitreya
Eye Makeup | -SU!- Amoret Eyeliner +CATWA APPLIER+ @ n21 NEW
Eyes | [ MUDSKIN ]_Rose # Signature Eye5
Lipstick | Just Magnetized - Insta Beauty - set 06 1 powder pack exclusive
Hair | TRUTH / Carla V2 / group gift
Necklace | e.marie // Heart Necklace - Sterling
Pose | *EverGlow* Onyx 06
Skin | [ MUDSKIN ]_Kira#1_Catwa Mesh Head Applier_S2
Stockings | [Juju] Tokyo Lara v 1.3
24 Feb 2018