Monday, March 19, 2018

Hey guys! It's weird how fast the month went by.. Like the title suggests, I would love for spring to arrive, honestly. I know it's still a couple days away and all, but it's shown no signs of being here physically. We did get an early glimpse of it earlier in the month, but then all the snow decided it needed to come back and let us know it wasn't quite done. I'm waiting for the weather to get warmer, but it looks like it might still be a bit away. My mom just left yesterday for Florida, speaking of warmer, but I didn't really have the option to go. And I don't quite have the house to myself. (Or at all, really. My stepdad's family who currently lives in Alabama are coming out here next weekend to stay a few nights or something.) It would be nice to have the place to myself. Maybe in May, if I'm lucky.

So! Today is my last skin review for Skin Fair (not my last post, though!) and I decided to finish it off with Avenge's Heather skin. I had almost forgot about doing this one as the review, sadly. I think I still have a few skins I want to blog left over and somehow overlooked this one half a dozen times. Heather is a soft/pretty subtle skin that comes in 6 different tones ranging from light to medium dark, all included with four different hairbases and freckle options, as well as an option for brows or no brows.

{ credits }

Backdrop | FOXCITY. Photo Booth - Cherry Blossom (With Trees & Sun) @ on9
Brows | WarPaint* Muse brows [Catwa] - naturals @ skin fair
Eyeliner | [CX] Sakura Eye Make-up Set
Eyes | [ MUDSKIN ]_HyunA Lens #1, 3, 5, 7, 10, 14, 24 (CATWA) skin fair
Hair/Petals | [NANI] Sakura.Hair // Sakura.Petals (FATPACK BONUS)
[NANI] Glow.Up ~ Layla.Hair RARE // Layla.Bangs // Layla.Buns
Heels/Socks | friday - Hailie Platforms (Coal) // Hailie Socks @ collabor88
Lips | [ MUDSKIN ]_HyunA # MATTE LIP 5 (CATWA) skin fair
Pose | BellePoses - Santa Honey 2
Shorts | LAZYBONES - Rolled Up Shorts - light blue - Maitreya Lara
Skins | [Avenge] Heather skin applier for Catwa fatpack (with Maitreya appliers) skin fair
Tattoo | !IT! - Sakura  - Pink skin fair
Top | {vincue} Boofy+Top [Maitreya]
19 Mar 2018