Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Hey hey! The winds are super strong today. The weather forecast said up to 60 mph. Pretty sure it's close to that if not above.. it's been reaaaaally windy though for sure. We even got... the dreaded snow falling down while it was happening. Honestly I'm hoping that none will stick and we won't see anymore white ground. I've had enough of it already! Onto good things, we're going to start working on the other room on Friday so that should be fun. Can't wait to clear it out and have a decent looking room and a nice place to put my PC. 

I have some goods from various places today! Ayashi, MICHAN, Stardust, Imeka, ARISE, and Blah! I also stopped at Ariskea because everything is half off until tomorrow, so maybe I'll use some of that stuff in my upcoming posts. But for now, I hope you enjoy! I took the photo at Luanes Magical World.

{ credits }

Eye Makeup | {Imeka} Sweet Make Up CATWA 2 NEW
Garters | ARISE x ENIGMA Leg Straps MAITREYA @ blush NEW
Lipstick | ARISE Doll Lipstick 2 CATWA @ sanarae NEW
Hair | [^.^Ayashi^.^] Kanade hair @ gachaland NEW
Hairpin | MICHAN - ShuangXi Hairpin (Pinky) @ kurenai NEW
Heels | Blah. [Zip-Up Boots] [Maitreya] Pink @ shoetopia NEW
Lashes | [Buzz] The Nymph Eyelash {Catwa}
Petals | *N*SAKURA FUBUKI parts.2 @ neo japan NEW
Pose | BellePoses - Paula 6 @ dollhouse
Tattoos | Stardust - Mie - Maitreya white tattoo
Stardust - Mieko - Maitreya white tattoo @ the project se7en NEW
Umbrella | AMITOMO / rainy day's morning / 10
Yukata | MOMOCHUU :: Hoshi - Yukata - Cherry Blossom - Maitreya - RARE
04 Apr 2018