Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Ever put something in a place you normally don't put it in, expecting to come back to it later, but when you go to grab it later on it's not there anymore? Yeah that's happened to me quite a few times. I sometimes don't end up finding the item I've misplaced for weeks.

So I'm pretty sure I've hit a slump. Nothing looks right to me with my blog posts right now and I just don't have the energy to fix it with all the hours I put into setting up and taking a photo (or three). Perhaps I'm in order for another break? Now that I'm caught up that is.. I cut it close this last month. My bff will be here in just 6 short days and my birthday is two days away.. Perhaps I'll get the break I need at that point and come back full charged and ready to share more of Gacha Garden's amazing round. I hope so anyway! I did enjoy setting up the decor for today, but half of it isn't even in the photo anyway. Onto the credits, I suppose.

{ credits }

Arcade Machine | Ariskea[Press Start] Vintage Girl Game[DVA]
Backdrop | Vibes - Cutie Studio Apartment - Pure White
Bags | AriskeaxCosmicDust / Rich Bitch / Shopping Bags
Bookcase | *Cherry House*-Vintage bookcase-white @ sanarae
Console | Ariskea[Hustler] Vintage Console
Decorations | AriskeaxCosmicDust / Rich Bitch / Pastel Cigarettes
Wednesday[+] ~ Princess Life ~ Mermaid Makeup Brushes ~ COMMON
.random.Matter. - Disaster Kitchen - Cookbook Stack
.random.Matter. - Disaster Kitchen - Chocolates
AriskeaxCosmicDust / Rich Bitch / Elite Crown
Food | [Black Bantam] Too Cute To Drink Horchata Kitty Decor
[Black Bantam] Too Cute To Eat Purrito RARE
[Black Bantam] Crinkle Fries Paper Boat Decor
[Black Bantam] Crinkle Fries Pile Decor
[Black Bantam] Sauce Packet Spill Decor @ 6º Republic NEW
.random.Matter. - Disaster Kitchen - Sloppy Cake [Strawberry]
Plant | Ariskea  [ Porcelain]  Tropical Plant 1
Tray | MudHoney TV Tray - White

Brows | Bossie. alice eyebrows [catwa]
Chain Choker | MICHAN - Carol Double Chains group gift
Eyes | Xuxu. Milan Eyes 02 gift
Hair | *Besom~Cherry *Blondes*
Hairbase | Just Magnetized - Essential Hairbase - set 01 for CATWA
Nails | e.marie // Flora Set Pointed
Phone | AriskeaxCosmicDust / Rich Bitch / PomPom Phone Typer
Pose | Suga-Suga - Minchi Bento Pose 1 @ the darkness NEW
Runny Mascara | Just Magnetized - Crybaby - set 01 for CATWA @ kinky event
Shirt | Ricielli - Adwoa Sweater (Slink H.) Dark gray
Shorts | Ricielli - High Waisted Shorts (Slink Hourglass) Dark gray
09 May 2018