So I'm pretty sure I've hit a slump. Nothing looks right to me with my blog posts right now and I just don't have the energy to fix it with all the hours I put into setting up and taking a photo (or three). Perhaps I'm in order for another break? Now that I'm caught up that is.. I cut it close this last month. My bff will be here in just 6 short days and my birthday is two days away.. Perhaps I'll get the break I need at that point and come back full charged and ready to share more of Gacha Garden's amazing round. I hope so anyway! I did enjoy setting up the decor for today, but half of it isn't even in the photo anyway. Onto the credits, I suppose.
Arcade Machine | Ariskea[Press Start] Vintage Girl Game[DVA]
Bags | AriskeaxCosmicDust / Rich Bitch / Shopping Bags
Bookcase | *Cherry House*-Vintage bookcase-white @ sanarae
Console | Ariskea[Hustler] Vintage Console
Decorations | AriskeaxCosmicDust / Rich Bitch / Pastel Cigarettes
Food | [Black Bantam] Too Cute To Drink Horchata Kitty Decor
Plant | Ariskea [ Porcelain] Tropical Plant 1
Tray | MudHoney TV Tray - White
Chain Choker | MICHAN - Carol Double Chains group gift
Eyes | Xuxu. Milan Eyes 02 gift
Phone | AriskeaxCosmicDust / Rich Bitch / PomPom Phone Typer
Shorts | Ricielli - High Waisted Shorts (Slink Hourglass) Dark gray
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