Hey again! I noticed something odd on flickr today that I wasn't sure what was going on. Yesterday I got a bunch of random favorites on my photos, and today it seems like they're all gone? I wonder if anyone else experienced this weird occurance. Anyway. This style is a bit different (albeit still comfortable) than my normal, I think. But Kokolores' hair releases tend to do that for me since they're pretty unique. So, I figured it would be smarter if I paired up my Imaginarium posts with my posts for Vintage Fair, because if I don't, I may not finish covering one (or both) events before they end. Either that or I just blog every single day.. Which probably won't go very well! So, you may end up getting double the photos from me when I blog! Hopefully you're all alright with that. I know I don't normally blog a ton anymore so it must be odd when I do. Hope you like this look!
{ credits }
Backdrop | .:Joplino:. Backdrop Live Show
Bracelet | .::Nanika::.Starry night Bracelet Gold @ imaginarium NEW
Choker | .::Nanika::.Starry night Choker 3 Gold @ imaginarium NEW
Lashes | Wednesday[+] ~ Cat's Eyelashes
Skirt | Look At Me. Milly Set. Leather Skirt. Black @ imaginarium NEW
Tattoo | *U-Design* Nyctophilia [Maitreya]
Top | Look At Me. Milly Set. Leather Top. Black @ imaginarium NEW
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