Thursday, June 21, 2018

Hey guys! I managed to do two posts today. Yay! Even though I woke up early, it still ended up not being done til late. So while I was thinking over what to do for another vintage look, I realized.. the decade I grew up in is technically considered vintage now. What the hell? I feel so old and I'm not even 30 yet! When I think of vintage, I still think of like the 50-60s decades and earlier. Not the things I remember, like walkmans, weird exercise videos, CD players..cassette tapes.. lots of holo and neon stuff.. The funny thing is, I wasn't even born until 1990. But I grew up loving things from the 80s. And so I decided to do some sort of 80s inspired look for today as one of my last posts for the Vintage Fair. That ends on the 24th by the way, incase you forgot. I hope you like it!

{ credits }

Brows | .LYCHEE. - Audrey Brows (Catwa) @ vintage fair
Build | anxiety %chicago build2
Eyes | Aurealis Beauty. CATWA applier. Vision eyes. Shade #5 @ limit8
Hair | [monso] My Hair - Yuqi @ collabor88
Leggings | :{MV}: Revolution Leggings (Maitreya) Stripes @ vintage fair
Lipstick | .ARISE. Coco Lipstick 2 CATWA @ limit8 NEW
Necklace | AMITOMO - Juicy Cherry Gacha - 22 @ kustom9
Pose | an lar [poses] The Jacinda Series - Five vintage fair
Tattoo | WR - Vintage Tattoo - APPLIER @ vintage fair
Top | BUENO-Ana Top-Mat-Black Crochet @ kustom9

21 Jun 2018