I decided to put together a witch look instead of a magical girl today (I mean, it is sort of the same thing) and used konpeitou's pretty stuff from Crystal Heart to do it. I think it turned out pretty well! I hope you like it.
{ credits }
Backdrop | CMYK// 3. Time for the moon night @ crystal heart
Bindi | \//.VoluptasVirtualis - Rawena Bindi @ crystal heart GIFT
Bow | *{( konpeitou )}* Lunatic*Dream - magical ribon @ crystal heart
Brows | Just Magnetized - Perfect Eyebrows set 12 for CATWA @ vanity
Dress | -Pixicat- Starlight.Dress - Red (Maitreya)
Eye Makeup | Bossie. sexy doll eye makeup [catwa] @ crystal heart
Eyes | CURELESS[+] Spookshow Eyes GROUP GIFT
Hair | tram H0511 hair
Hat | *{( konpeitou )}* Lunatic*Dream - horoscope witch hat RARE @ crystal heart
Lipgloss | -SU!- Flavored Lip Gloss for lookbook
Tabi | *{( konpeitou )}* Lunatic*Dream - Tabi laced lace @ crystal heart
Pose | *{( konpeitou )}* witch GIFT
Shoes | *{( konpeitou )}* Lunatic*Dream - cutie heart key heel @ crystal heart
Wand | AsteroidBox. Dark Wand
Backdrop | CMYK// 3. Time for the moon night @ crystal heart
Bindi | \//.VoluptasVirtualis - Rawena Bindi @ crystal heart GIFT
Bow | *{( konpeitou )}* Lunatic*Dream - magical ribon @ crystal heart
Brows | Just Magnetized - Perfect Eyebrows set 12 for CATWA @ vanity
Dress | -Pixicat- Starlight.Dress - Red (Maitreya)
Eye Makeup | Bossie. sexy doll eye makeup [catwa] @ crystal heart
Eyes | CURELESS[+] Spookshow Eyes GROUP GIFT
Hair | tram H0511 hair
Hat | *{( konpeitou )}* Lunatic*Dream - horoscope witch hat RARE @ crystal heart
Lipgloss | -SU!- Flavored Lip Gloss for lookbook
Tabi | *{( konpeitou )}* Lunatic*Dream - Tabi laced lace @ crystal heart
Pose | *{( konpeitou )}* witch GIFT
Shoes | *{( konpeitou )}* Lunatic*Dream - cutie heart key heel @ crystal heart
Wand | AsteroidBox. Dark Wand
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