Hello lovelies! I try not to leave my own platform often because no matter what something off always ends up happening.. Usually it's someone interrupting me in the middle of a photo. Seems like this time was no exception either. Unfortunately it seems like some people can't wait for someone else to be finished with a set before jumping in. This time, the person got right in and took a photo while I was using this particular one (thankfully I got the shot first, I'm not even actually sure when they got there. Maybe they were just trying to take a photo with me? -laugh- I doubt it, since that would have likely meant asking. No one, that I know of, has taken my photos without my knowledge anyway.) I've run into this issue twice now.. Although, the first time it was someone messaging me asking when I'd be done. Wtf. And it's always weird each time because.. there's tons of different things and sets for people to choose from, yet they choose the one that's clearly occupied? I do still like going to Backdrop City regardless, since I haven't been able to purchase much of anything the past few months as much as I've wanted to. They're always pretty up to date with their backdrops and whatnot, so I just hop right over and find what I'm looking for. I just wish some of the people there were a little less rude and more patient. Ah well. Enough of that rant!
I have a few things to share from Girl Power today including a new outfit from HORNTAIL, who I am now working with! Excited for that honestly. Hope you enjoy the look!
{ credits }
HORNTAIL - Maitreya Hina Outfit (Gloves//Panty//Sailor Collar//Sailor Shirt//Skirt) @ girl power
lovey dovey :: Jenna/Tatas
(pc) Himena - Eyes [Set*A#11] - Catwa Applier @ girl power
Starlight Designs - Pom Pom Earrings. BLUSH @ girl power
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