Ah, so if you were wondering about the PC issue I ran into.. it turns out that one of the ports with the RAM in it completely died. Of course, it would do this after a year (which is when the warranty is up, I think.).. What is my lack of luck with computers??? Even one I spent a lot to get custom built has issues within a year! The solution, anyway, was to switch the RAM to different ports and voila. I'm back baby. Thanks bf! I guess that makes sense for why Photoshop was acting strange/freezing a lot all the sudden. 4GB of RAM while also running SL on ultra settings does not work. But I'm sure that's no surprise. I think I may eventually upgrade the RAM in the future regardless, so that SL can continue to run smoothly. I just hope that no more issues arise with the ports (or anything else, honestly.) because being out a port is verryy bad.
Anyway! I hope the lot of you who are Resident Evil fans are as excited for the new game as much as I am. I did not play the demo because I'd prefer to have the whole thing to play. Instead I watched others play, which was entertaining for the most part. I hope you like the look for today! Have a good day~
{ credits }
#2 <K&S> GUN
friday - Valerie Pumps (Coal)
Howl - garter belt gun holster 4
Just Magnetized - Basic Hairbase - SPECIAL EDITION 04 CATWA
[KoKoLoReS] Hair - Nia
:: MOMOCHUU :: CATWA skin applier - Hina - chocolate tea
Paparazzi - BACKDROP - Pipes Walkway
-SU!- Trash Doll Gacha -Choker- // -Coffin Earrings- @ the epiphany
Wednesday[+] ~ Sarang Eyelashes
[ZakkaYa] Gift M1911 (Hold Gun)
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