Did you happen to notice anything new today? Maybe? It's not just you.. I'll give you a hint. It's the head.. ;D I made the switch to the Genus Babyface!! Thanks to the help of my love, and also my good friend Syn who helped me finally achieve the goal of owning one. Forever grateful to them both. It was -so- easy for me to make a shape that I was baffled. I like it much more than the shapes I was making for Catwa and it required a -very- minor adjustment from my Catwa shape. So hopefully I can stick to this one for a while! And if not, at least I know it's easy for me to make more shapes! The main reason I switched is that a lot of the designers I blog for are starting to do Genus only (or mostly), which makes it really difficult if you use Catwa. There was also the reason that everyone pretty much in general is switching over to it, so there's already a large and beautiful variety of things to buy. I did really like the head when I demo'd it way back when. It is WELL worth it, even at the full price, of course. I just don't have the ability to obtain lindens like I used to so I missed out on the opportunity to get both heads for 3k when they were in beta. Anywho!.. This is not a review so I'll get to the rest.
I noticed my lack of pink in this month's posts, so I guess I had to change that. I'm wearing some new things and some older things. Be sure to read below if you want to know what. <3
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