Monday, March 25, 2019

Hey guys! Remember when I said I wanted to try to do more decor oriented posts this year? Well I'm attempting to do that. Gimme Gacha's events help a lot because most of their items for Imaginarium have a lot of decor, and I love me some decor! Imaginarium is still open for a wee bit more time, by the way. I'll be squeezing in one final post before the end of the month (when it ends) that will also be decor themed after this. Keep on the look out!

{ credits }

Apple Fall West Village Pancake Breakfast Board
Apple Fall Tea Tins & Tea Books
DaD DESIGN "Ornamental Black Vase with butterflies"
DISORDERLY. / Fancy Glam / Lighted Frame / Black
.Florix. Autumn Feel - Rug I - Gold 01
+Half-Deer+ Valentine Side Table - Black
Torika Imaginarium Set (2Books//3Light GB//9Frames Black//Coffee Table//Cube Frame GoldSeqBlack Chair 01+02//Wall Decor Curtain GB//Wall Part) @ imaginarium
-tres blah- Cozy Winter - Space Heater (Black)
WeArH0uSE [shabby divider]

You can also view the post at GimmeGacha.
25 Mar 2019