Monday, May 13, 2019

I'm probably going to go back to no text in my posts (other than credits) after this, but I'm trying to catch up on blogging after having a rough month health-wise. A few days ago (May 11th) was my birthday and while I did plan to do this post for then, I didn't exactly get the chance to since I was out for a large majority of the day. I did have a decent birthday though! Hope you guys had a nice Mother's Day.

{ credits }

decor details.
[BASIL] Kitten Kitchen Clutter (Donut Box - Common 11//Pink Clock Decor - Common 4)
DISORDERLY. / Strawberry Cupcakes
+Half-Deer+ Sakura Tea Party - Tiered Dessert Platter @ the epiphany
Lagom - Pink Kitchen (07. [Cabinet B]//09. [Corner Counter]//10. [Corner Cabinet]//13. [Island]//14. [Stove] RARE//15.[Microwave] RARE)
PINKI. Neon Love [pink] @ cyber/punk fair
PINKI. Neon Planet [pink] @ cyber/punk fair
Pixel Mode - The Kitchen - Cook Books
.random.Matter. - Snack Haul (Banana Flavor//Banana Milks//Boba Pile//Mochithe epiphany
Wednesday[+] ~ Mangaka Seikatsu ~ Treats COMMON
West Village Large Raspberry & Almond Macarons
West Village Macaron Assortment

outfit details.
alaskametro<3 "Whimsy" makeup - Omega
AMITOMO TCF 2nd Anniversary Gift Eye
::C'est la vie !:: Heart Glasses
::C'est la vie !:: Sonia Hair @ salon52 NEW
{HIME*DREAM} Ayane Skin Applier Genus - Medium
{Jealuing} Mockie Dress. maitreya. @ fluffy kawaii
MICHAN - Kiki Lashes [Genus] @ vanity
:: MOMOCHUU :: Strawberry Love Donut C the epiphany
Peony. Little Bow Blusher
Pixel Geek - Bow collar
::SWSK::KEIREI Pose003
*Tentacio* Doom girl gacha. Bracelet
13 May 2019