Tuesday, March 17, 2020

{ credits }

A&R kawaii Pose2-2-2
{Buing} Roomate gacha (Choker//hair b RARE//Shorts Blue//Top Pink White ) @ the arcade
(Enfer Sombre*) Fairy skin {Genus} @ skin fair
GENUS Project - Genus Head - Baby Face W001
Insomnia Angel . nose button applier Omega gift
K&S - // Bowling. COSMIK. Photo booth
kotte - plush buddies (bunny//claw machine//rat) @ the arcade
Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara V5.0.1
{S0NG} Kiko Eyes - Catwa
Stardust - Dreamer - Genus Project Eyelashes 
17 Mar 2020