Monday, March 1, 2021

{ credits }

*barberyumyum*P14(02) (GENUS)
[Black Bantam] The Royals Throne Chair Black (Royals Chair 1)
#Boataom :: Lulu Genus Applier 'Albina' BoM
[Cubic Cherry] {Virtue} latex halfgloves BLACK (bom)
DAZED. Dystopia Choker+Tag
Death Angel - Fearful Night - The Bearded Guy
GENUS Project - Genus Head - Baby Face W001
keikumu - gooseberry eyeshadows (onyx) BoM
keikumu - mel brows (brunette) BoM
Kibitz - Natasha's heart necklace - 1&2 gold
:: MOMOCHUU :: Kyra piercing Fatpack - Maitreya Exp
:: MOMOCHUU :: Narissa Boots - Maitreya exp
+nya.gore+ :: cupid eyeliner + blush [blackberry]
{Nyaru} - Pink Moonlight Gacha - PEACH Tattoo Blusher
Lolla Things- Jimin Earrings Gacha (1&2.RARE- Jimin Earrings - BLACK)
rotten . sweet love spell runes . lusty (energy siphon+love chain+rose gaze+rosette+soul burn) @ hentai fair
-SU!- Lilith Lip Gloss /Genus/
-SU!- Poison Sunglasses
Vincue / Mistie Set - FatPack (Corset+Stole+Undie) Noir @ hentai fair
01 Mar 2021