Friday, May 6, 2022

{ credits }

BackBone Frame - Mikata
BackBone Gamer's Sleepover
Foxwood - Little Bear Pom
+Half-Deer+ Basic Rectangle Rug - Pinks
+Half-Deer+ Kawaii Gaming Chair - Pastel Pink
+Half-Deer+ Soiree Curtains - Pink Gold Dots
Wednesday[+] ~ Back To Univers-E.T ~ Mini Fridge

= DAE =  Bow pearl earrings
e.marie // Caliope Bracelet - Golds
hive // out and about @ kustom9
KUNI - Regina
[LEGACY] Meshbody (f) Special Edition
LeLUTKA Ceylon Head
more more. blair skin_honey tone (black)
rotten . star cluster . prism ink
-SU!- Levana Eyes
Vincue / Dakie Accessories @ otacon
Vincue / Evie Set
06 May 2022