Wednesday, September 21, 2022

{ credits }

Apple Fall Books - Arrangement 3,4,10
BackBone Wall Clutter
CELESTE - Lavender Flowing Glitter - Mixed
crate The Green Witch Shelf
dust bunny . flora office . bookshelf . style b
dust bunny . happy hour tray
dust bunny . plant stands . large
dust bunny . primrose hall tree
+Half-Deer+ Book Clutter - Shelved - Dark&White
KraftWork Anne Collection . Assorted Books
tarte. metal lantern
The Horror!~ Posterz - Spook (K9 Birthday Gift)
{vespertine} - rainbow book clutter / pink, green, yellow & red

outfit details.
[LEGACY] Meshbody (f) Special Edition
LeLUTKA Ceylon Head
more more. yena skin_honey tone (no eyebrow / ceylon) @ school day
Stardust - Astria - Black Tattoo + Body Blush 100%
VCO ~ SEUL Hair @ kustom9
Vibing -- nyx collar -- gold
Vincue / Witchie Set (Dress|Hat|Staff)

21 Sep 2022