Wednesday, November 23, 2022

hi loves! i did another collab with my friend Lyra, this time on my own land! i also have another one coming! and maybe a few more? it's been a month since halloween already.. but i did jump straight from halloween decorating to christmas. because, why not? you'll get to see some of my hard work this month and next month also! it's taken me some time to set it up, but it's mostly ready now! happy holidays and hope you have a great thanksgiving! (if you celebrate) stay safe if you go out shopping this week! click on the photos for full size pics

{ credits }

e.marie // Maddie Earrings - Silvers
imbue. rin torn jeans - black
kotte - mew knit hat @ TMD
[LEGACY] Meshbody Special Edition
LeLUTKA Ceylon Head
LOTUS. Natty Eyes 11 RARE @ access
Malina - Moon HD eyeliner
MEMOIRE Xyd Boots Noir
MIWAS - Hair #Kee
+SEKAI+ Hitman Scarf
TETRA - Off-shoulder cardigan
tres beau - bing skin (3.0)
True Damage-Zaya
23 Nov 2022