【night light】

A Second Life blog about fashion and decor from Sooyun Ichtama's point of view!
{ credits }2PERcent - Moon"aeoo" gentle ears skin"aeoo" jeon skin | kawaii secretsAG. Amored Eyeshad...Read more
{ credits }Ascendant - Piper Pants | tres chicdarkmoon . Hairbase - Auraeerie . Kenzy Browse.marie /...Read more
{ credits }"aeoo" juicy peach lipglossAscendant - Luna TopAvoixs - Winnie moles#CHAIN - Lorraine Hai...Read more
{ credits }2PERcent - Moon (Fresh)Ascendant - Eloisa Skirt&Sweater | tres chicBelle Epoque - Flo...Read more
{ credits }Amitie Tokyo Night Room - PinkAscendant - Gabriela Dress | collabor88Avoixs - Winnie mole...Read more
{ credits }Astralia - Nanako ribbon pink[Black Bantam] Holiday Lipstick SetCore Piercing Labret (Kay...Read more
{ credits }Astralia - Holly Earrings{HIME*DREAM} Maeve Outfit - RED | kustom9LeLUTKA Kaya Head...Read more
{ credits }2PERcent - Tattoo Doodles - Moon | kawaii secretsAscendant - Nanda Set | anthemAvoixs - W...Read more
{ credits }cheezu. hera skirt= DAE = Retro Rose metal Glasses{dm} Hairbase - AuraFocus. The Mall Aut...Read more
{ credits }"aeoo" coffee beans eyelensBeusy: Ophira HairstyleBLOOM - BARBARA NAILSGoreglam 'Love Div...Read more
{ credits }"aeoo" jeon skinAmitie Tokyo Night Room - PinkCINO - Snowy Night - Baby lens*CK* Muse col...Read more
{ credits }"aeoo" jeon skin (porcelain) | kawaii secrets{Agape}. Cupid Lense.marie // juli...Read more
{ credits }DAZED. Wire Heart Nose Earringe.marie // Solar Glasses - SilversKibitz - Natalia's rings ...Read more
{ credits }"aeoo" gentle ears blushCynful Elisa Top - Reddarkmoon . Hairbase - AuraDAZED. Wire Heart...Read more
{ credits }[^.^Ayashi^.^] Kanako hair @ tres chicBlueberry - Luxe Box - November Skirts - MaitreyaDA...Read more
Good evening! Yeah I know it's another space pic. The title, for those of you who don't know about...Read more
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