Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Helloo <3 I know it's rare to get blog posts one after another from me lately, but I'm trying my best so I can do a full coverage of Winter Solstice. I get stressed when I fall even slightly behind, even if I'm not really up for blogging every day. I did have fun with this outfit though, and the blues! I noticed I seem to do a lot of blue hue photos. Hope you guys like the look! Seems like everything's a little slower right now, maybe it's just me? Photo taken at StoryBrooke Gardens

{ credits }

Arm Wraps | *katat0nik* Arm Straps
Bodysuit | !dM Lana - LARA snowflakeBodice **PEARL** {winter solstice} . new!
Boots | Bens Boutique - Agathe High Boots
Crown/Hair | [^.^Ayashi^.^] Reina hair {winter solstice} . new!
Lips | #adored - vague lips - blue gray
Nails | alaskametro<3 "Gala" nail appliers - White {on9}
Neckpiece | :: PM :: Ice Blast Neckpiece  {winter solstice} . new!
Pose | *EverGlow* Sweet 10
Wings | +Half-Deer+ Spring Eternal - Chantilly Wings

13 Dec 2016