Monday, December 12, 2016

Good evening lovelies! It's freaking COLD here. I've been busy leaving the house and shopping for presents for everyone so I've kept busy. I got a bunch of stuff and probably went a little overboard with spending.. just a little. I got myself a little tree and some lights to go with it! I've been wanting one for so long, and even though it's probably not much to others, it was a happy moment for me.

I have some new goods from Winter Solstice today! I took the darker approach of Christmas thie time. It can't always be sunshine and sparkles, can it? Hope you like! Photo taken at {Hide & Seek}.

{ credits }

Boots | [JANGKA] WINTERFELL "WOLF" BOOT {winter solstice} . new!
Eyes | .ARISE. Joyce Eyes / Black {the chapter four} . new!
Hair | adoness : poinsettia : charcoal {winter solstice} . new!
Horns | [CX] Krampus' Servant Horns . gift @ the arcade!
Jacket | -Pixicat- Night.Jacket - Black (Maitreya)
Leggings | lassitude & ennui Hisa leather leggings - Maitreya applier black {we <3 rp} . new!
Pose | *PosESioN* Element 7
Tattoo | PICHI - Dreamy Forest Arm Tattoo (Maitreya Applier HUD) {winter solstice} . new!

12 Dec 2016