Friday, December 9, 2016

I'm all decked out and ready for the holiday season! .. Which is still a couple weeks away, but at least I didn't start last month? -nervous laughter- I've got a various bunch of goodies today, mainly for the Arcade (some free gifts for now!) and Winter Solstice which just opened earlier this morning. So you know, when you tp in, their ARC Limits are set to 75,000. If you are over that limit, you will be ejected! So be sure to suit up properly to avoid it from happening. There's also some other stuff I'll credit below. Hope you guys like~

{ credits }

Bird | JIAN Snow Birds :: Percher
Build | CMYK// 8. Let's X-MAS PARTY limited rare {limit 8} . new!
Cake | {Imeka} Yummy winter - CAKE! RARE {the arcade}
Cards | CMYK// 3. Let's X-MAS PARTY {limit 8} . new!
Cat Tree | JIAN :: A Very Kitten Christmas - X-mas Kitten Tree
Clock | [noctis] Briar Hill Grandfather Clock {winter solstice} . new!
Cocoa | {Imeka} Yummy winter - Sweet Coffee 
{the arcade}
Cookie Bowl | {Imeka} Yummy winter - Bowl with biscuits {3} {the arcade}
Decoration | CMYK// 5. Let's X-MAS PARTY {limit 8} . new!
Donut Tray | CMYK// 1. Let's X-MAS PARTY {limit 8} . new!
Fence | JIAN Snow Birds :: Fence
Home Decor | 22769 ~ [bauwerk] No Place Like Home - Season of Giving Gift {the arcade} . freebie!
Mannequin | Astralia - Fashion xmas tree (red)
Mini Holiday Tree | JIAN :: Festive Potted Tree
Reindeer | [[RH]] No more sledge !! ARCADE Season Gift {the arcade} . freebie!
Rug | CMYK// 7. Let's X-MAS PARTY {limit 8} . new!
Snowball Basket | Kalopsia - Gabriel's Snowballs Basket {the arcade} . freebie!
Spilled Glitter Jar | CMYK// pearl bottle white {collabor88} . new!
Table | CMYK// 6. Let's X-MAS PARTY {limit 8} . new!
Wrapped Gift | CMYK// 4. Let's X-MAS PARTY {limit 8} . new!
Wreath | Ariskea[Season of Giving] Wreath {the arcade} . freebie!

Dress | {Imeka} Winter Heart - Dress {Color9} (Maitreya) {the arcade}
Eyes | .tsg. Angel Eyes - Oil Spill . vip group gift!
Hair | TRUTH HAIR Irenka . vip group gift!
Head Lights | [Atomic] Christmas Crown - Color Lights {the arcade} . freebie!
Heels | - Sugar.Platforms (Golden) {collabor88} . new!
Nails | {ZOZ} Holiday Tree White Polish (slink) {winter solstice} . new!
Polar Bear | [BB] Holdable Polar Bear Lights White RARE {the chapter four} . new!
Pose | an lar [poses] The Yala Series - One {winter solstice} . new!
Stockings | REIGN.- Kitty Stockings (Maitreya-High)
Tattoo | .:AS:. Sisi Tattoo {winter solstice} . new!

09 Dec 2016