Bird | JIAN Snow Birds :: Percher
Cards | CMYK// 3. Let's X-MAS PARTY {limit 8} . new!
Cat Tree | JIAN :: A Very Kitten Christmas - X-mas Kitten Tree
Cocoa | {Imeka} Yummy winter - Sweet Coffee {the arcade}
Decoration | CMYK// 5. Let's X-MAS PARTY {limit 8} . new!
Donut Tray | CMYK// 1. Let's X-MAS PARTY {limit 8} . new!
Fence | JIAN Snow Birds :: Fence
Home Decor | 22769 ~ [bauwerk] No Place Like Home - Season of Giving Gift {the arcade} . freebie!
Mannequin | Astralia - Fashion xmas tree (red)
Reindeer | [[RH]] No more sledge !! ARCADE Season Gift {the arcade} . freebie!
Snowball Basket | Kalopsia - Gabriel's Snowballs Basket {the arcade} . freebie!
Spilled Glitter Jar | CMYK// pearl bottle white {collabor88} . new!
Wrapped Gift | CMYK// 4. Let's X-MAS PARTY {limit 8} . new!
Wreath | Ariskea[Season of Giving] Wreath {the arcade} . freebie!
Dress | {Imeka} Winter Heart - Dress {Color9} (Maitreya) {the arcade}
Eyes | .tsg. Angel Eyes - Oil Spill . vip group gift!
Heels | - Sugar.Platforms (Golden) {collabor88} . new!

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