Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Hi lovelies! Guess I'm getting a little slow with the blog posts aren't I.. I thought I'd cover one last post for Gacha Garden since I grabbed this bathroom set by Fetch, but almost didn't end up using it even though I really wanted to. I'm coming up with less and less to say each time.. it's kind of sad. I'll get to the credits so you can enjoy the goods!

{ credits }

Aromatherapy | {vespertine} -  aromatherapy
Bath Bomb Basket | {vespertine} - pampering basket.
Bathroom Counter | [Fetch] Dream Bathroom - Counter 
@ gacha garden
Bathroom Tray | {vespertine} - beautify tray.
Bathtub | [Fetch] Dream Bathroom - Bathtub - PG RARE gacha garden
Books | {vespertine} - lifestyle books
Build | dust bunny . flutter skybox
Candles | +Half-Deer+ Everlight Votive Candle - Pastels - Gold Dots @ blush
Cat | [Black Bantam] My Pretty Kitty Cat Static Decor Mesh 
blush NEW
Light | [Fetch] Dream Bathroom - Sconce gacha garden
Mirror | CMYK// Bom-Bom Mirror blush NEW
Rose Petals | {vespertine} - bath petals
+Half-Deer+ Rose Petals - Pink - Medium
Stockholm&Lima: Valentine's Blush Rose Petals
Sink | [Fetch] Dream Bathroom - Sink 
gacha garden
Sink Mirror | [Fetch] Dream Bathroom - Mirror gacha garden
Table | +Half-Deer+ Louretta Writing Desk - Ribbon - Silver 
Towel Rack | [Fetch] Dream Bathroom - Wall Towel gacha garden
Wall Shelf | [Fetch] Dream Bathroom - Wall Shelf gacha garden

Bra | Blueberry - Lace Tops Gift - Short - Maitreya group gift
Eyes | (Enfer Sombre*) Aurora Eyes - Catwa applier @ prismagica
Hair | Mello. Call Me Baby Updo 01 RARE gacha garden
Heels | friday - Regina Platforms (Blush) blush NEW
Necklace | *Tentacio* Yumi plastic necklace @ collabor88
Pose | Kirin - Rika Pose 1 @ kustom9 NEW
Shorts | ::C'est la vie !:: Febe Tankini Bottoms - Maitreya NEW
Skin | BT:Aiko"CATWA"Applier BST5 gift
Tattoo | CURELESS[+] Moon Bastet Sleeve / COLOR / APPLIERS blush NEW

You can also view the post at GimmeGacha.
16 Aug 2017