Sunday, August 20, 2017

Hey guys! I almost have 200k pageviews.. watch as I miss it. So I guess this is one of my slower months of posting. I haven't done this little in a while.. but I guess I'm just not really feeling the blogging thing too hard right now. I won't go on an official break or anything and maybe I'll even pick it up next month. (I might have to haha) I guess we'll see! 

Got some new stuff from Kokolores, Silvery K, CMYK and friday today. <3 Also a couple other things that I'll have in the credits for ya.

{ credits }

Build | LAGOM - Framed [Store Building]#01 RARE
Divider | CMYK// sonamoo partition @ limit8 NEW
Glass Shards | ((LovelyAlien))ShatteredCrystals - Cluster @ prismagica
Light | CMYK// sonamoo lamp limit8 NEW
Photos | CMYK// sonamoo frame limit8 NEW
Sofa | Scarlet Creative Stirling Sofa Brown Leather
Table | CMYK// Bom-Bom Drawer @ blush
Teacup | dust bunny . woodland dreams . fresh rose tea

Boots | friday - Theo Boots (Coal) @ rewind
Choker | *:..Silvery K..:*Loose feminine(Choker_Black)10 @ whimsical NEW
Earrings | *:..Silvery K..:*Loose feminine(earrings_Dark)13 whimsical NEW
Ears | *Tentacio* My kawaii ears
Eye Makeup | -SU!- Hesperia Eyeliner +CATWA APPLIER+ @ somber NEW
Eyes | .ARISE. Kena Eyes (naturals) CATWA APPLIER limit8 NEW
Gloves | *:..Silvery K..:*Loose feminine(Arm Cover_Black)3 whimsical NEW
Hair | [KoKoLoReS] Hair - Cybil @ cosmetic fair NEW
[KoKoLoReS] Hair - Cybils fringe (optional)
Leg Chain | 
*:..Silvery K..:*Loose feminine(Leg Chain_Gold)16 whimsical NEW
Pose - Kirin - Rika Pose 4 @ kustom9 NEW
Sweater | 
*:..Silvery K..:*Loose feminine(Tops_Black)RARE1 whimsical NEW
20 Aug 2017