Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Hey guys! I decided to do another post all in one day to maybe bump my post count up to 10+ rather than the single digits. Kinda feels weird that that's a thing this month. I guess I've been kinda distracted with other things.. let's see if I can catch myself up to speed.

I have some goodies from Ayashi, Vincue, AsteroidBox and moss&mink today! Hope you like!

{ credits }

Basket | {moss&mink} Picnic in the Park - Pic-a-nic Basket @ pocketgacha
Blanket | {moss&mink} Picnic in the Park - Picnic Blankets RARE pocketgacha NEW
Bushes | {Imeka} Bush 01 - A {COLOR 1}
{Imeka} Bush 01 - A {COLOR 2}
{Imeka} Bush 01 - A {COLOR 4}
{Imeka} Bush 01 - A {COLOR 6}
Crate Table | 
{moss&mink} Picnic in the Park - Crate table pocketgacha NEW
Kebabs | {moss&mink} Picnic in the Park - Starry treats pocketgacha NEW
Milkshake | {moss&mink} Picnic in the Park - Honey Milkshake pocketgacha NEW
Radio | 
{moss&mink} Picnic in the Park - Vintage Radio pocketgacha NEW
Sandwiches | 
{moss&mink} Picnic in the Park - Jelly sandwiches pocketgacha NEW
Vase | 
{moss&mink} Picnic in the Park - Daisies pocketgacha NEW

Hair | [^.^Ayashi^.^] Neko-Maid hair @ imaginarium
Heels | AsteroidBox. Hyuna Heels 
Top | {vincue} Rebie+Shirt [Maitreya] @ kustom9 NEW
Shorts | {vincue} Mini+Kinie ~ Short [Maitreya]
19 Sep 2017