Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Hey guys! I guess I should probably stop apologizing for my absenses and just do what I'm doing yeah? My mom and stepdad left on Sunday for Pennsylvania so I've been spending a lot of time cleaning up the house and enjoying it being clean before they come back. I got some things at the store to help too. Cleaning while no one's home is my favorite time to do it. Gonna make it look spotless~

I have a few last things for Imaginarium and some other stores so I don't forget and fall even more behind. Hope you guys like! I took the photo at The Autumn Cafe.

{ credits }

Fishnets | .:Pulse:.Back To School - Black Stoking  -Maitreya - RARE @ imaginarium
Hair | [^.^Ayashi^.^] Liya hair
Headband | Neomenia: bezel Rosalia [RARE] @ imaginarium
Pose | Kirin - Yume Pose 1
Skirt | .:PULSE:. Back To School Plaid Skirt -Maitreya Lara -White-RARE @ imaginarium
Top | .:PULSE:. Back To School Top - Maitreya-White-RARE @ imaginarium

You can also view the post at GimmeGacha.
19 Sep 2017