Saturday, November 4, 2017

Hey guys! Just a quick post while I'm trying to catch up with the last bit of stuff to blog. Not too much to say today and feeling a bit.. bleh, but I hope you like the post. <3

{ credits }

Build | CMYK// 9. Here come the regrets rare @ 6º republic open nov 6th
Counter | CMYK// 5. Here come the regrets @ 6º republic 
open nov 6th
Firewood | CMYK// 7. Here come the regrets @ 6º republic open nov 6th
Flowers | dust bunny . harvest . jug of sunflowers
Lounger | CMYK// 1. Here come the regrets @ 6º republic open nov 6th
Package | CMYK// 6. Here come the regrets @ 6º republic open nov 6th
Photos | CMYK// 8. Here come the regrets @ 6º republic open nov 6th
Student Set | AsteroidBox. Lonely Studies - Full @ sad november open nov 11th

Eyeliner | Bossie. classic eyeshadows [catwa]
Eyes | [Buzz] Gleam Eyes - Amber
Hair | [^.^Ayashi^.^] Molly hair Halloween gift
Hat | ::C'est la vie !:: Bear Beret (#1) [
for FLF]
Lashes | MICHAN - Audrey Lashes [Catwa] @ anybody NEW
Outfit | `M.BIRDIE / School Look s/s F.typeC2 S RARE
Pose | {Imeka}Kirsty-Pose 3
Skin | Glam Affair - Reya Applier ( Catwa ) Asia
Socks | friday - Holly Socks (Coal) @ uber NEW