Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Hi guys! How's it going? It's been pretty windy here all day but strangely enough the weather's been in the 50s. Still haven't had a proper winter yet.. not that I'm complaining honestly. I know I already did a post today but I figured since I got another one in today, might as well share it now. Hope you like!

{ credits }

Build | CMYK// Maewha house (black edition) @ kurenai
Chair | AsteroidBox. Wireframe Chair w/ Blanket @ collabor88 open dec 8th!
Cup | AsteroidBox. Cup 'o Space @ collabor88 open dec 8th!
End Table | AsteroidBox. Oriental End Table - Constellations @ collabor88 open dec 8th!
Jewelry Box | {moss&mink} Sweet Treasure - Ash
Light | AsteroidBox. Canned Constellation Lamp @ collabor88 open dec 8th!
Lit up Globes | b.v Starry lights (A,B,C-type)
Ornament Tree | b.v Simple tree (gold)
Shelf | b.v Wire shelf  (4)
Wall Deco | b.v Iron wall hanging (black)
Wall Frames | b.v Frame with trees light (B-type)

Boots | =Zenith=leather fur boot (Black) -Maitreya
Collar | [Black Bantam] Chained Trinket Choker @ the arcade NEW
Dress | =Zenith=Muted Coven Dress (Black) -Maitreya
Eyes | .ARISE. Milli Eyes  / 3 @ the chapter four NEW
Gift Bag | [Black Bantam] Presents Purse Coal @ the arcade NEW
Hair | [^.^Ayashi^.^] Aya hair @ tannenbaum
Hairpieces | MICHAN - Hanayo Accessory (Big/Small) @ kurenai
Lipstick | Wednesday[+] ~ Watercolour Lipsticks
Poses | BellePoses - Hello Sailor 1
BellePoses - Hello Sailor 4
Purse | ::C'est la vie !:: Mirka Bag (#1) NEW
Skin | Catwa Skin applier Peach Tone - Enferra (Enfer Sombre*)
05 Dec 2017