Monday, December 18, 2017

So.. I heard from my sister when I woke up today that one of my favorite kpop band's members from SHINee, Jonghyun passed away. I'm pretty torn up about it because I've loved their music ever since they first introduced themselves back in 2008. I'm not even sure what to say about it honestly.. I'm kind of afraid of listening to their music now because it's going to make me sad whenever I do. To know especially that he was suffering as much as he was.. I hope that he's happy now, wherever he is. <3

In the less sad news part, Okinawa Winter Festival opened up a couple days ago with some really neat items to choose from. I also have a few other things in here that I'll put in the credits. Hope you have a nice rest of your Monday/start of your Tuesday!

{ credits }

Snow | *N*Snow #1 @ holiday hunt
+Half-Deer+ Snow Tracks - Patch (Heavy)
Soy. Snow covered woods [Wood-A] -Low
Soy. Snow covered woods [Wood-C] -Low
Trees | [Geist] Glitter Xmas 2017 - silver @ okinawa winter festival NEW

Bodysuit | alaskametro<3 "Kristal" sequin bodysuit 05 - Maitreya applique NEW
Bracelets | *N*Snowflake Fairy Bracelet #b 
lootbox NEW
Choker | *N*Snowflake Fairy Choker #1 #b lootbox NEW
Crown | *N*Snowflake Fairy Crown #a @ lootbox NEW
Eyeshadow | alaskametro<3 "Soiree" eyeshadow - Catwa @ on9 NEW
Hair | [^.^Ayashi^.^] Nekoyami hair okinawa winter festival NEW
Hairbase | Just Magnetized - Basic Hairbase - set 19 for CATWA @ applique NEW
Hairpieces | *N*Snowflake Fairy Hair Pierce #a lootbox NEW
Lipgloss | alaskametro<3 "Fey" lipgloss - Catwa on9 NEW
Necklace | *N*Snowflake Fairy Choker #2 #a lootbox NEW
Pose | Hazy. Yukine Pose. 3 okinawa winter festival NEW
Tattoo | Stardust - Soraya - Maitreya (white tattoo)
Stardust - Sora - Maitreya (white tattoo)
18 Dec 2017