Saturday, December 2, 2017

Happy December everyone! It's officially the last month of the year.. the more the years pass, the more I realize just how quickly they really go by. Anywho, I've got goods for the Imaginarium today, which just opened yesterday. I honestly had a really difficult time taking a photo I liked for this. The outfit itself is super cute and I loved it, but finding a sim that I thought would fit a rainy mood didn't go as planned. I did find this nice place in the end, called Rainy Alley. It even has a touch of lightning there too AND you can rezz props and stuff if you need to. Hope you like!

{ credits }

Boots | Luas Its Raining Boots Black @ the imaginarium NEW
Dress | Luas Its Raining Pullover GOI @ the imaginarium NEW
Hair/Bow | [^.^Ayashi^.^] RARE Yuikine hair (Dark Side) @ the imaginarium NEW
Pose | (marukin) [light] everything comes to pass
Scarf | Luas Its Raining Scarf Black @ the imaginarium NEW
Skin | Catwa Skin applier Peach Tone - Asami (Enfer Sombre*)

You can also view the post at GimmeGacha.
02 Dec 2017