Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Hello lovelies! As a result of all the horror/spooky stuff I've been watching on youtube the past few days.. I guess I got inspired to do a creepy photo and even a story to go along with it. I do love creepy stuff regardless but I feel like it was probably the main reason I did it this time. And now, it's scary story time! I haven't written stories in quite a while.. honestly I kinda miss it. This is not a real story obviously. Haha. But anyway, I wanted it to go something like this..

You decide to venture into an abandoned psychiatric hospital that you stumbled upon, all by your lonesome, with nothing but a flashlight and some standard camera equipment. You have no idea of the history of the place, yet you've come in blindly and without much thought; almost as if someone inside were calling to you to do so. Well, let me tell you the chilling tale of what went on in this god forsaken place..--

A beautiful raven-haired nurse who worked in the building had several patients under her care. She was thoughtful, friendly, hard-working, and knew them all by name; she even remembered the smallest details about them, that other nurses would often discard without a second thought. It was uncommon for someone in such a place to have these qualities. On one particular night, during a routine visitation and checkup, she left the elevator and arrived at Room 89 to give a man his medication for the evening. This man was known to be severely unstable, as well as a danger to himself and others around him; thus he was kept in restraints at all times. When he was unable to sleep, he would have wild hallucinations that caused him to respond to everything around him violently. This was no surprise to her, and she was not afraid to speak to him or be near him, even knowing this information. She was fearless in that aspect.

The lights were oddly dim in the room that night, and she failed to realize that the man was not in his restraints; possibly not even in the room. Confused, she scanned the surrounding area briefly before turning back around to exit the room and speak to the other staff about the man's whereabouts. It was possible that he may have been moved to another room due to the nature of his issues. He was known to have random outbursts, although she had never seen them herself. She didn't think much else of it. The man had been released from his restraints due to another staff member's absent-mindedness; they had released him and handcuffed him to his bed, then left to get equipment. The equipment would be used to help transport him to a different room, and relieve the hallucinations that had been plaguing his mind.

The man was in hiding; waiting to strike. His eyes were in a fixated trance on her every movement. The attack hadn't been meant for her, but the other staff member, that would be returning right around the time that she had entered. To him, the staff member that had come to help him was nothing but a dark shadow, a monster. He just wanted the nightmare to end, and she..she was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Hunched over in the darkest corner of the room, which she would have been unable to see; with the handcuffs unlocked and placed on his bed, he waited for the opportune moment to strike. As the room appeared to dim even more, the nurse attempted to exit the room. He lunged himself forward with one swift movement, grabbing her neck from behind and forcing her violently to turn to face him. He then repeatedly stabbing her in the chest and stomach fifteen times with a sharp object. She didn't even know what hit her; it all happened so quickly. All she could feel at that moment was the warm liquid that escaped her body and an immense pain following it, which caused her to cry out. Was she dying?

The man was shocked when he heard the voice that whimpered and gasped was different than he remembered, realizing she was not the nurse who had previously been in his room. She was not a dark shadow, or a monster. He dropped her in a panic, leaving her there to bleed out. The nurse could not call for help because the strength to do so had left her body. There was too much blood loss. She became drowsy and disoriented, feeling nothing other than the strong urge to close her eyes and sleep. She could not escape. The last bit of breath escaped her lips before she passed, all alone.

The man stumbled through the hall with his hallucinations still running wild in his mind; severely injuring multiple staff members that were close by. They were shadows. Monsters. All of them. He ran to the elevator to what most thought would be his escape; ending his own life before someone came to stop him. His throat was slit, the death was instant. The nurse's spirit continues to roam the area in the building to this day, unable to find peace. Many of the others who were killed in the incident remained there as well, including the man/murderer himself. He is known to cause harm with an intent to kill anyone who dares to set foot in the hall near his room. The hospital continued to be used after the deaths for months, but many reported seeing and feeling unsettling things. Some were shoved, scratched, and thrown while being near the man's room and hall leading to it. Some heard the cries of those who had lost their lives in the rampage. Some heard the nurse weeping and reported seeing her with blood trickling down her hollowed eyes. Because of the violent and heinous attacks committed during and after the man's death, the place was forcibly shut down and abandoned.--

Once inside the building, you feel a very sudden drop in temperature, continuing further and further in. A strange chill goes up your spine as you approach what appears to be an old and unworking elevator. It leads to -that- floor. You shine your light to check out the weird splatters on the inside, and in that instant you think that you see something out of the corner of your eye. Your instinct is to flinch and back up, so you move it away. Are you alone here..? You start to feel watched and vulnerable. You hold your breath for a moment, shining your flashlight around the area to inspect it more, but hear nothing, and see nothing. Complete silence. More importantly.. weren't there just splatters on the walls? Are you seeing things, too?

Suddenly, a soft but terrifying whisper surrounds your ears: "Don't run." This causes you to become visibly shaken and stumble. Complete silence once again overtakes the area. You then second guess everything you've just heard and seen, and continue on down the hall before stopping near a room that says "Room 89". Before you can really step inside, a strong force lifts and throws you back near the elevator. The words "GET OUT!" ring in your ears, as sharp as a knife. The flashlight you were holding falls with a loud thud; a sound that echoes throughout the whole area. It still remains lit, and illuminates what appears to be a figure as well as several bloodstains covering the walls. Is that really blood..? Who is that..? You stagger as you try to stand and blink several times in shock, shutting your eyes tightly in response. You can feel someone slowly approaching you. Before reopening your eyes, you take a deep breath; hoping that when you reopen them, everything will be normal. If you keep them closed, you might be safe. If you open them what will you see? Maybe it was just your mind playing tricks on you..

{ credits }

Backdrop | Astralia - Horrorfest backdrops (Psychiatric Hospital) Gold
Bloody Armband | CUREMORE / Patient Bandages / Arms RARE
Bloody Face | Evermore. Blood Stained Face RED OMEGA
Bloody Knuckles | CUREMORE / Knuckles / OMEGA APPLIERS
Dress | B.C.C LoveHoney Nurse B blood RARE
Eyepatch | B.C.C LoveHoney Nurse Eye patch Blood
Eyes | -SU!- Dexiem Eyes
Garter | B.C.C LoveHoney Nurse Garter Red
Hair | [^.^Ayashi^.^] Ema hair
Headdress | B.C.C LoveHoney Nurse Headdress Blood
Knife | .random.Matter. - Girl Fight - Pocket Knife [Black]
Stethoscope | B.C.C LoveHoney Nurse Stethoscope Blood
28 Feb 2018