Saturday, March 3, 2018

Happy March! Apparently NY celebrated the new month by piling us with a ton of snow again.. It was literally all gone two days ago and the weather was great. I thought for sure spring was around the corner. So much for that! Anywho, I have some nice stuff to show off today. Also, Imaginarium just opened and Skin Fair is coming so I'll have posts for those soon! I took the photo at Backdrop City so I'm not really 100% crediting someone else's decorating, but I will give you the set used so you can get the stuff for yourself. Hope you like. ♥

{ credits }

Beer | BellePoses - Beer 1L
Choker | MICHAN - Chaelin Choker (silver) @ whore couture NEW
Decor | AMI:HAI - Pink Lady GACHA set
Earrings | AsteroidBox. Armoured Moon Earrings @ sanarae NEW
Eyeshadow | Izzie's - Catwa - Applier Shimmer Eyeshadows powder pack exclusive
Hair | ::C'est la vie !:: Fine Hair
Lashes | MICHAN - Shontelle Lashes [Catwa] whore couture NEW
Lipstick | Bossie. sweet lipsticks [catwa] for FLF
Pose | BellePoses - Gika 5 @ cosmopolitan NEW
Slippers | REIGN.- PANDA SLIPPERS (TIPPY TOE) MAITREYA- # 22 @ the arcade
Top | Vincue / Sophie Top - Maitreya
Wings | Caboodle - Sylph Wings group gift
03 Mar 2018