Monday, February 19, 2018

Hello~ I spent all of the day basically getting distracted by every little thing.. so I pretty much accomplished nothing. Once that finally settled though I did get everything set up. You should have see it beforehand, it was a mess. -laugh- Anywho, I have some new goods and I experimented with some more Photoshop stuff. I hope you like it!

{ credits }

Bed | +Half-Deer+ Dreamrose Princess Bed - Blush Pink
Bubbles | +Half-Deer+ Love Bubbles - Strawberry - Big Group
Cabinet | {moss&mink} Entry Cabinet
Cans | CMYK 1. pink bento
Cage | +Half-Deer+ Blossoming Birdcage - Peachy Pink
Candles | +Half-Deer+ Everlight Votive Candle - Pastels - Label
Desk Set | CMYK (8) i'm pink desk set rare
End Table | {moss&mink} Side table
Garland | {moss&mink} Magical garland
Jewelry Box | {moss&mink} Sweet Treasure - Ash
Lamp | {moss&mink} Pearl Lamp
Nailpolish Rack | PILOT - Nail Polish Rack Deux [White]
Potion | {moss&mink} Alice in Easterland - Drink me
Radio | {moss&mink} Picnic in the Park - Vintage Radio
Rug | +Half-Deer+ Frilly Heart Rug - Polkadots - Pink
Shelves | .random.Matter. - Noticed By Senpai - Shelf v1+v2 - RARE
Sign | {moss&mink} Neons - Princess
Skybox | {moss&mink} Sweet Retreat - Skybox RARE
Suitcase Stack | +Half-Deer+ First Class Kitty - Luggage - Pale
Unicorn Figurine | +Half-Deer+ Porcelain Unicorn Figurine (Pink Base)

Choker | MICHAN - Phoebe Choker @ rewind NEW
Face Tattoo | Aidhona - Bunny Face for Catwa
Glasses | [Cubic Cherry] {Lala} glasses
Hair | [^.^Ayashi^.^] Grein hair
Jacket | ::C'est la vie !:: Chus JK Gacha (RARE)
Lipstick | Just Magnetized - Cobaea Lipstick for CATWA @ applique NEW
Nails | :Moon Amore: Antoinette Nails - Maitre Rose
Phone | AsteroidBox. Y2K Ashley Phone - Girly (Texting) @ rewind NEW
Pose | .mien. {playing the princess} 02
Skin | amara beauty - Powder Pack CATWA - Debbie skin powder pack exclusive
Skin Blusher | :: MOMOCHUU :: Kawaii Angel Tattoo Blusher  [Maitreya]
Uniform | Blah. [Nyaa Uniform] Baby Pink w/ Panties @ hentai fair NEW
19 Feb 2018