Friday, March 9, 2018

I'm trying to keep up with everything but I'm getting super stressed about the skin reviews because I normally don't do this and it's really out of my comfort zone, honestly. Well, this makes the third down and two to go, so I guess I'll do my best to push through. I do have a hard time with change, I guess that includes this too. </3

Today I'm showing you the skin Arisha from PUMEC for Skin Fair. It comes in 6 different tones (they name their tones after the months of the year, I love it!) with a few options including medium/dark brows and freckles, or the option to have no brows and no freckles! PUMEC is one of my favorite skin brands to be honest, so I wasn't disappointed when I tried the skin on. It's pretty and subtle with my shape on. It does not have tones for the darker folks in SL, unfortunately. I did promise I would do another review that does have them though, so don't you worry.

Oh, since we were given the maps for the event today, I'll provide those for you below so you don't get lost on your long journey. You might think I'm joking, but there's two sims for the event. There are TONS of designers and items out for you guys, so make yourselves cozy because you'll probably be there a few hours at the very least once you can get in. Before I forget, the first week of the event is limited to 50,000 complexity on your avatars, so before you jump into your clothes and look all fancy and everything, make sure you remove them and wear an alpha on your avi so you don't get kicked out. Have fun and happy shopping! Skin Fair is OPEN~ I took the photo at I am [SL] Amsterdam.

{ credits }

Boots | [BREATHE]-Kendra Heels-M.LARA-Black
Eye Makeup | .euphoric ~Seoul Glossy Eyeshadow Applier ~[Catwa] @ skin fair NEW
Eyes | -SU!- Isolabella Eyes Fatpack @ skin fair NEW
Hairs | [^.^Ayashi^.^] Umeko hair-fatpack
Lashes | Bossie. dramatic eyelashes [catwa] skin fair NEW
Lipstick | Bossie. crystal lipsticks [catwa] skin fair NEW
Pose | . MILA . POSES // Heini 3
Skins | .:[PUMEC] :. - .:Arisha:. -  / FATPACK \  - SKIN (Catwa) skin fair NEW
Skirt | 
Vincue / Daisie Skirt - Maitreya
Tattoos | Stardust - Emi - Maitreya black tattoo
Stardust - Emilia - Maitreya black tattoo skin fair NEW
Tops | Vincue / Daisie Bra - Maitreya @ whore couture NEW

09 Mar 2018