Thursday, March 8, 2018

So I'm not gonna lie. Normally I don't wear many different skins and Skin Fair is good at making me change that, so I enjoy blogging for it. Since Skin Fair is literally right around the corner by the way, I'll give you guys the maps and the LM to the event! There are two parts to the event, as it's really big. Anywho, onto the review!

At first, I didn't think I would like this skin despite the fact that I've never actually worn or tried skins from Alaskametro before.. I just recently saw people with this one on, and man I kind of regret not doing it earlier. And now I'm pretty sure I will change that. Haha.

This skin looks so pretty with my shape and the highlights and contouring are amazing. I like it a lot more than I originally thought I would, so perhaps it'll be one of my go-to skins from now on~ It's very shiny and lovely. Sadly, if you are looking for darker skins though, this one only comes with the options for peachy/light tones. I will definitely review some more skins with darker options, of course. <3 But I just had to share this one too.

The Alicia skin, which I am wearing, is for Catwa heads only and comes in 4 different tones with 4 different eyebrow colors for each, including one that you can tint to match your brows with your hair! Personally, I like the lighter tones, but they're all easily very pretty. Hope you like!

{ credits }

anxiety %entertainment skybox 
anxiety %entertainment pallet table 
anxiety %entertainment leather couch PG
anxiety %entertainment lamp 
anxiety %entertainment dirty rug @ TMD
Apple Fall Pyracantha Berries in Glazed Pot
Apple Fall LTD Digital Gramophone (Copper)
Apple Fall Tea Tins & Tea Books @ faMESHed

Bangs | TRUTH VIP - Bangs Collection
Beer | BellePoses - Beer 1
Blouse | -Pixicat- Blush.Top - Black (Maitreya)
Choker | REIGN.- Tattoo Choker- MoonStone
Earrings | .ARISE. Cross Earrings / Black @ the chapter four NEW
Eye Makeup | alaskametro<3 "Drama Queen" makeup - Catwa @ skin fair open tomorrow!
Eyes | AG. Prestige Eyes - Catwa Applier - Fatpack
Hairs | *C* Ice
TRUTH / Ambriel
Heels | lassitude & ennui Contessa shoes - black - Maitreya
Lashes | Bossie. flirty eyelashes [catwa] @ skin fair open tomorrow!
Lipstick | Bossie. sugarcube lipsticks [catwa] @ skin fair open tomorrow!
Pose | BellePoses - Gika 3 @ cosmopolitan
Shorts | Addams // Marisa Doble Lace Short // Maitreya
Skins | alaskametro<3 "Alicia" Catwa face skin Tone 1, 2, 3, 4 (with alaskametro<3 Omega skin appliers) @ skin fair open tomorrow!
Stockings | Blueberry - Valentine's Day Gift - Stockings - Maitreya
08 Mar 2018