Thursday, March 22, 2018

Hey guys! Morning. I couldn't really sleep last night for some reason. I'm pretty happy with the photo today because it turned out to my liking (and I did it yesterday ahead of time). Obviously I don't normally do stuff this revealing.. but I guess it's okay to do something different once in a while? I like indulging myself in all sorts of styles. Today's focus is Imaginarium (Nanika's jewelry set) but I have some leftover things from Skin Fair I wanted to share too. Hope you like!

{ credits }

Armlet | .::Nanika::. Lesya Bracelet GOI @
Backdrop | FOXCITY. Photo Booth - Lux Plain GOLD (Rez)
Bindi | :Moon Amore: Dark Moon Bindi (Gold)
Cage Dress | [Black Bantam] Twinkle Dress Gold Hourglass
Crown | .::Nanika::. Lesya Crown RARE @ imaginarium
Earrings | .::Nanika::. Lesya Earrings imaginarium
Eye Makeup | 
alaskametro<3 "Rose Gold" makeup palette - Catwa
Eyes | [ MUDSKIN ]_HyunA Lens # 24 (CATWA) @ skin fair
Hair | [monso] My Hair - Jenny @ collabor88
Hairbase | Just Magnetized - Basic Hairbase - set 14 for CATWA
Hairsticks | Astralia - Garden Geisha set (sticks gold)
Hands | Slink Hands - Dynamic - Female V1.5
Lipstick | alaskametro<3 "Babygoth" makeup - Catwa @ 4mesh
Mesh Body | Slink Physique Mesh Body Hourglass V2.05
Nails | 
alaskametro<3 "Inversion" nail polish - Slink - Gold RARE
Necklace | .::Nanika::. Lesya Necklace Gold 
Pose | Kirin - Spring Fairy Pose 5
Rings | Izzie's - Celestial Midi Rings gold (gesture)
Skin | LOTUS. Louise Skin Applier 02 (Catwa) 
skin fair
Tattoo | THIS IS WRONG Lotus tattoo GOLD - Slink skin fair
Wings | ::HH:: Hucci Christmas Angel Wings - Gold

You can also view the post at GimmeGacha.
22 Mar 2018