Here's my last bit of stuff for Imaginarium. I didn't have anything in mind for this til I realized my avi kinda looked like.. I guess, a prostitute? So while I was putting things together I thought, she seems like the kind of gal who would be described as one of those "if looks could kill". And then I kind of thought, well, what if she's the kind of gal who lures and seduces men with her dangerously good looks into paying for a hotel room for the two of them, wines and dines with them, sleeps with them, then kills them when she's finished? I guess it's a bit provocative.. Not unheard of though? I feel like I watched a movie like that before in the past. Maybe it was even an episode of Criminal Minds.. I used to watch that a lot.
I may or may not be able to fit in one final post for Imaginarium, I'm not sure yet. Hope you like either way!
Alcohol | Apple Fall Argentinian Malbec
Backdrop | anxiety %bedside (gift)
Dust Particles | (Milk Motion) floating dust animated 1+2 @ the arcade
End Table | (Milk Motion) iridescent metal bedside table - red @ the arcade
Money | (Milk Motion) love hotel - money stack @ the arcade
Neon Light | (Milk Motion) heart neon table lamp - red @ the arcade
Pole | (Milk Motion) dance pole @ the arcade
Wine Cabinet | Ex Machina - A Better Vintage Gacha Set - Wine Armoire @ imaginarium
Wine Table | Ex Machina - A Better Vintage Gacha Set - Wine Tasting table @ imaginarium
Boots | PHEDORA / Iris Boots / Slink Hourglass
Cigarette | #1 <K&S> cigarette @ imaginarium
Dress | Bossie. zippered latex dress [SH] - red @ whore couture
Eye Makeup | AsteroidBox. Heart Out Eyeshadow
Skin | . MILA . Belinda Light [Catwa Applier] @ skin fair
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