Tuesday, April 24, 2018

I went outside for a bit earlier and it was super nice out, finally. Spring came quite a bit late this year and I was expecting it to be cold until May, honestly, as depressing as that is. I think I'm finally getting some of my mojo back. I had lots of fun with this photo and the picture came out good on the first try too! Rarely does that happen. Here's my last bit of GachaLand! Hope you guys like~

{ credits }

Backdrop | ninety - Baka [ backdrop ]
Bra | Vincue / Daisie Bra - Slink Hourglass
Brows | Just Magnetized - Slit Eyebrows - set 01 for CATWA @ cosmetic fair NEW
Collar | AsteroidBox. Cross Collar @ sanarae open april 26th
Earrings | 16 [VO.Z] Harajuku Girl Red Earrings @ gachaland
Eyeliner | .ARISE. Grace Eyeliner CATWA @ shiny shabby NEW
Eyes | [ MUDSKIN ]_Rose # Signature Eye5
Glasses | 08 [VO.Z] Harajuku Girl Red Glasses @ gachaland
Hair | [^.^Ayashi^.^] Yuzu hair
Jacket | Vincue / Bombie+Jacket [SlinkHourglass]
Lipgloss | alaskametro<3 "Sakura" makeup palette - Catwa @ bloom
Mesh Body | Slink Physique Mesh Body Hourglass V2.05
Nailpolish | alaskametro<3 "Spring Fling" nail art - Slink @ spring flair
Pose | Suga-Suga - Blossom Bento Pose 4 @ the dollhouse open april 27th
Rings | 02 [VO.Z] Harajuku Girl Letter Bento Rings (Slink) - RARE
01 [VO.Z] Harajuku Girl Button Badge Bento Rings (Slink) - RARE @ gachaland
Shorts | -Pixicat- Tova.Shorts - LightBlueFaded (Slink Hourglass)
Skin | ###  [PUMEC]  - Astrid - January - CATWA
Watch | [VO.Z] Harajuku Girl Watch - GachaLand Exclusive @ gachaland

You can also view the post at GimmeGacha.
24 Apr 2018